Thursday, July 14, 2011

For Mom... the birth of a tomato

See Mom? Tomatoes really do come from these yellow flowers!Sometimes the flower head even stays on the bottom of the fruit for awhile.... soft of like a tassel or a streamer.

Still waiting for them to ripen! And I thought these were "Early Girls"??? There are at least 5 that may be ready by the end of the month.

Grow babies grow!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Project: New curtains

In a vain attempt to decrease my "hoard" (as my dear husband has dubbed it) I decided to dig into my stash of laces and doilies yesterday.So what could I do to enjoy all of my precious, girlie textiles? Curtain panels, of course!

First I roughly measured out each panel with the backing fabric of bleached muslin. Next I divided out the lace pieces so that each of the two panels will have mostly the same design.

I know what you're thinking..... where the heck did I find enough stuff to throw on a curtain panel AND have it's mate to throw on a second curtain panel!?!?!? The collection started with crocheted pieces from Grandma Brady (doilies, snowflakes, collars). I think there may be some pieces of my Grandma McCafferty as well. The rest were rescued from thrift stores and yard sales.

And how could I forget about the hankies! I love the lace edges and hand sewn rolled hems. There are also some dresser scarves and some pieces that I have no idea what they would have originally been used for.

Time to break out the sewing machine! I do believe I have mastered the straight stitch for the hems and top channel. The individual pretties will be hand sewn. Think I can get it done before Mom comes to visit? :)

Progress made!

You may remember this:Well, it has now turned into this!:
You can also click on each picture to view it full size. The Starbucks card is just for scale.

It is not very thick and when completed could, indeed, hold a gift card. There is some work still to be done! I just need to find more turquoise colored beads. I have even taken apart some previous "samples" just to collect the bead colors I need. A trip to a bead store is in order soon!!!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Chattering chipmunks!

The morning is a lovely time to sit with my coffee on the back deck, let the cats snooze in a sunbeam, and work awhile on my latest beaded project:

We enjoy the chirping of the birds in the birch tree (wish I had thought about my camera when the momma cardinal landed!). We even like the lazy buzz of the fat bumble bee as it suns itself under the lavender. But today this little one decided to join the chorus:

Need a closer look?
Sitting atop the neighbor's ac unit and calling out to his clan! I do wonder what he was saying?